Testlink is a testcase management software bit. To be honest I don't like it because it's bloated and clunky. There, I've said it. But its probably one of the better open-source solutions for testcase management out there, so I won't complain too much.
Testlink offers some limited support for integration with Trac using the XML-RPC plugin. Unfortunately, if you're using authenticated XML-RPC in Trac, Testlink can't handle it. I don't know too many people who would want to put an unauthenticated XML-RPC interface to their defects database on a network, private or public. Anyway, I hacked some support for authenticated XML-RPC into the Testlink code. It's pretty easy, so if anyone is having this problem getting Testlink to talk to Trac over authenticated XML-RPC, here's what you do. Changes are in bold red.
[Note: please don't ask me how to set up Trac, the XML-RPC plugin or Testlink.]
modified /opt/lampp/htdocs/testlink/cfg/trac.cfg.php, added:
define('BUG_TRACK_XMLRPC_HOST', 'http://username:password@');
modified /opt/lampp/htdocs/testlink_18RC1/lib/bugtracking/int_trac.php:
$this->m_xmlrpcClient = new IXR_Client(BUG_TRACK_XMLRPC_HOST.$tracProjectName.'/login/xmlrpc');
modified /opt/lampp/htdocs/testlink_18RC1/third_party/xml-rpc/class-IXR.php
function query() {
$args = func_get_args();
$method = array_shift($args);
$request = new IXR_Request($method, $args);
$length = $request->getLength();
$xml = $request->getXml();
$r = "\r\n";
$credentials = "";
if ($this->user != "") {
$credentials = base64_encode($this->user . ":" . $this->pass);
$request = "POST {$this->path} HTTP/1.0$r";
$request .= "Host: {$this->server}$r";
if ($credentials != "") {
$request .= "Authorization: Basic {$credentials}$r";
function IXR_Client($server, $path = false, $port = 80, $timeout = false) {
if (!$path) {
// Assume we have been given a URL instead
$bits = parse_url($server);
$this->server = $bits['host'];
$this->port = isset($bits['port']) ? $bits['port'] : 80;
$this->user = isset($bits['user']) ? $bits['user'] : '';
$this->pass = isset($bits['pass']) ? $bits['pass'] : '';
Thanks a lot for your work and spend time for solve it problem. All work as you write.
But what need change if for trac used another auth.
for example 'trac':
tracd -s -p 8080 --auth=trac,D:\SVN\repo\trac\auth.txt,trac D:\SVN\repo\trac
my problem consist of that trac do not give access when using standart url http://user:password@www.trac
only by fill and send special login fields in login page.
Early I think that it's not so importance because of xml-rpc must have ability to login of itself in trac. But now I don't understand how it happens.
Hi protonic,
Use the TracHTTPAuth plugin to use htaccess as the underlayment for the web login form. http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/HttpAuthPlugin
Looks pretty cool. Just so I'm clear, this code will take the credentials being used for testlink and pass them to trac? If so, that's pretty awesome, and exactly what I need.
- qthatswho
Not exactly, whatever you specify for username / password in the trac.cfg.php file gets passed to Trac. You can set up a testlink user and password in Trac so Testlink can then log in, providing a very basic level of integration.
I needed Digest support so I used http://phpxmlrpc.sourceforge.net/ instead of the Incutio lib shipped with TestLink.
I put phpxmlrpc in the third_party directory and and modified .../lib/bugtracking/int_trac.php and .../cfg/trac.cfg.php
Thanks for the inspiration!
Hi Darren,
I am using tracd and testlink and wanted to connect with authentication. For this i have created a user in trac and configuring the same in testlink side.
tracd is started as below;
C:\Python25\Scripts>tracd -p 8000 --basic-auth=*,D:\00_Gopi\Projects\trac\cd-fda\passwordByhtpasswd.
txt,trac D:\00_Gopi\Projects\trac\cd-fda --hostname=cd-fda.is.olympus.co.jp
On testlink side, i have configured as per the description given by you.
But i am getting fault code 1 with error message as "XML_RPC privileges are required to perform this operation"
Any pointer would be of a great help?
Hi Baral.
Check the configuration of your xml-rpc plugin in trac.
"Note: please don't ask me how to set up Trac, the XML-RPC plugin or Testlink."
Good luck!
Hi Darren,
Thanks for your input. I have not configured authmanager plugin in TRAC and after changing trac.ini as below, i could able to connect TRAC from Testlink.
password_file = D:\00_Gopi\Projects\trac\cd-fda\passwordByhtpasswd.txt
password_format = htpasswd
password_store = HtPasswdStore
Thanks again.
Thanks a lot. This works for me!!
I've followed all steps and looks like that it's OK, but how can i test if it's working, once that my agilo trac interface doesn't change?
Thanks a lot, really good tutorial!
1Hi Darren,
Maybe you can help me.
I've installed the Testlink 1.9.7 (ghost) and Agilo Trac 0.9.10 and I'm not sure how I can check if the XML-RPC plugin is working. I mean, is any way to check this via front end? or how the plug in manage this connection? sorry but i didnt find anything about this.
I have this 2 tools in the same server and the OS is Ubuntu.
Thanks in Advance!
Hi Darren,
Maybe you can help me.
I've installed the Testlink 1.9.7 (ghost) and Agilo Trac 0.9.10 and I'm not sure how I can check if the XML-RPC plugin is working. I mean, is any way to check this via front end? or how the plug in manage this connection? sorry but i didnt find anything about this.
I have this 2 tools in the same server and the OS is Ubuntu.
Thanks in Advance!
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